Monday, November 28, 2011

Food for thought today

My friend has the image below posted on her facebook profile picture. I saved the poster to my desktop some time ago and open it from time to time... I am much more aware of myself and the privileges I have after reading this. This poster below has me thinking about the power of words. The power words have to bring us into awareness. The shift of perspective we held just moments ago... to what we feel/think/believe after seeing or reading something.

Words are powerful... And its a gift that we have found a way to communicate with one another despite distance, language and time. Like the last saying states, "If you can read are more fortunate that 3 billion people in the world who cannot read at all."

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fall Is Here

I know that its been awhile since I last wrote, so this entry will be a bit longer to make up for the past couple of weeks that I haven't posted. I'll talk about my chilly walks to school, how I love getting care packages and the incredible housewarming party I threw myself the same week my apt was broken into... Fall is here and I am experiencing the abundance of Harvest time that comes with it!

I dont think I have ever experienced a FALL season before. In California, the tempature pretty much stays above 50 degrees and it is either gloomy or sunny and what I really mean is that it is mostly sunny. The leaves stay green and sometimes you see variations of yellow or brown leaves, but nothing like the trees I am seeing here: Bright RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, PURPLE...

The images here are breathtaking-- and come at a chilly price. I walk or ride my bike to school in 30 degree weather. By the time I enter a classroom I recognize that I have lost feeling in my face, hands and feet...

I think I am really enjoying the Fall season around here because its nice enough to go for walks outside, but is chilly enough to appreciate being indoors. Speaking about indoors-- my parents sent me an awesome care package with rugs, WINE, desserts, candles...etc.  THANKS mom and dad!

I used some of the goodies to host a housewarming party in my new apt. So now a housing update. I recently moved into a new apartment in October. My old place didnt work out and with optimistic energy and prayer, I found a new place that is a better fit for me. Now I have two new housemates who work full time and are around my age.We all really like each other and have similar interests: like traveling, research, love of dessert and wine. So we move in and decide to sign a year lease within 24 hours of meeting one another (are we crazy? impulsive? desperate? Probably all of the above, which makes us all the better match for one another!)

Within a week of living together we get broken into. The door was literally ripped off the hinges. We are all okay. Some things were taken, like laptops, jewelry and video cameras, but no one was home and no one was harmed. Our landlord has since added more locks.

I have really grown to love my new roomates and am so grateful they are in my life. Here are some pictures of us with our friends at our Housewarming party from last weekend.

Roomate #1 Gabby is the tall blond on the left.

Roomate #2 Shivani is the one on the right leaning against the door.
My and some of my friends from school. The running joke here is that the Harvard Ed School ratio is 8 women to 1 man.

So, grateful for the friendships, encounters and laughs I've shared thus far with new friends. I am also grateful for the friendships that have come before and  the ones that will come along someday in the near future. What are you grateful for?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Food for thought.. some inspiration this week

By far, one of the most powerful poems of our time...
Our worst fear
Is not that we are inadequate;
Our deepest fear is that we are 
Powerful beyond measure.
It is our light,
Not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves,
"Who am I to be talented and fabulous?"
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God;
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about
Shrinking so that other people
Won't feel secure around you.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God within us.
It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people 
Permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
Nelson Mandela

Monday, November 7, 2011

HGSE's Multicultural Festival

Last Friday was HGSE's Multicultural Festival. The night consisted of cultural food, music, friends, and performances. 

Our campus is somewhat diverse, particularly because of the many international students. It was beautiful to see so many different cultures represented in one place on one evening. The event was held in the floor level of our department library. 
Standiing in line: Platanos fritos, fresh guacamole, chow main,  samosas...
were some of the highlights of my dinner that night

So many people. This is the table I sat at with my new CULTURAL friends

The Colombian Table!

My friend Hethal, making henna tattoos at the
 South Asian Student Association Table

Capoeira Performance- I actually want to join the club now 

HGSE A Capella Choir performing songs around the world

Traditional Chinese Dance "Little Peacock"

Harvard Banghra performing

The rest of the evening was open floor dancing. 

I think the last photo captures the evening well. We made a big circle and danced to different music. Here is an image of my friend Mayte (in her Bolivian Folklore Outfit) dancing with a little girl getting photographed by an international student from India in the center of a giant dance circle.

Fun Times.

Till next time.